General Information
(More detailed information can be found under appropriate links at top of page)

Who we Are
Riverbend Men's Camp follows the teachings of the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ operating within the brotherhood of The Restoration Movement, which is also reflected by our speakers' messages. We also offer one of the most scenic baptisteries you'll ever see, the Rifle River!
Bring your camp chairs, Bibles, and a willingness to learn! There are morning and evening sessions. Afternoons are set aside for father/son recreation and fellowship time. Session-only drive-ins are welcomed, with areas to park. The meetings are intended to honor Christ, encourage each other and benefit the Kingdom; anything additional is a bonus, anything less is unacceptable. Invite anyone you know who may benefit.
We will meet on private property. Please respect that. Live trees are not to be cut, nailed into or harmed. There will be porta-jons and a dumpster for trash onsite. We are camping on the banks of the Rifle River, you may swim or cool off at your own risk. This is a Men's camp, so bring what you need for eating and cooking. There is a good water well on the property. Ice will be made available for purchase.
Be sure to bring EVERYTHING you need. Bibles, notebooks, shelter, bedding, chairs, food, trash bags, water, bug dope, tools/utensils, shovel, fire starter, water/fire bucket. Pack your bread and milk if you need any, as there will be none available at campsite. Shirts and ties are unnecessary and shaving is frowned upon. A major draw of the woods is the lack of electronics, so feel free to leave them at home if you want. If you do bring your cell phone, please place it on silent for the entire week. Please do not park on the side of the entrance road to use your phone as it is neighbor's private property; just proceed clear to the "main" road if needed. Radios, TV's, or computers blaring anything are prohibited. If you utilize a generator for medical purposes or (ahem), convenience, please only run them as needed to maintain the peacefulness and tranquility of the Creation for others to enjoy.
Camp gates open the Saturday prior to the meeting and will close the Friday afternoon of the meeting week. Please donate regular camp fees beyond normal registration for the extended stay if you wish to stay extra. Our insurance costs and State fees increase by number of camper/nights.
Family and Off-site Camping
There is a family camping area available onsite. Guys may camp there, and hike over to attend sessions at Men's Camp. There will be a Ladies program at the Family camping area. Same fee structure applies. In addition, there are 4 family campgrounds within 2 miles of our camp entrance with family camping and cabins available. Book these well in-advance if you have need because they tend to fill up early. Family camping is available on the far side of our camp property on a donation basis. Ladies may also check out the Women of the Word (formerly Northwomen) which meets at Great Lakes Bible College in Lansing.
There are modest camp fees for camping on-site. These go towards property expenses. Camping fees by IRS rule are not considered charitable contributions. The meeting itself will operate entirely on offerings and donations. Those ARE considered charitable contributions. Speakers expenses need to be covered, as well as things such as tent rentals, porta-jons, dumpster, and so forth. In addition to the annual operating expenses there is a modest mortgage on the property. We are trusting that God's people will support God's work, give as you are able and God has blessed. The Riverbend Christian Retreat is a Michigan non-profit corporation, with full IRS 501(c)3 non profit status.
There will be a promotional display area in a corner of the big tent. If you have a ministry to promote please contact us to see about use of this area. We reserve the right to limit or prohibit any display. Speakers please bring along your own ministry items and feel free to utilize this space.
You may bring in what you need, but be careful not to violate any local or state law by improperly transporting firewood. There are adequate amounts of ash and other wood on the property, but need cut into usable lengths. Bring your chainsaw or make a camp donation to use wood cut by volunteers.
Fire pit
Dig one or bring a fire ring. Before you leave put 2 buckets of water on the fire area and fill it in. If this is too much work, or the directions too hard to follow, convince your neighbors to do it, then sit around their fire.
We offer BMX bicycle trails, guided hikes, capture-the-flag, and corn hole tournaments-as leaders are available. We are seeking volunteers to lead in some of these areas. Horseshoes, ball games, and river tubing are all great activities. There is also canoeing, kayaking and fishing. Bring along your gear and invite your camping neighbors to share in the activities.
Do not camp, cut trees or ride ATV's within 75' of the river. Any riding of ATV's thru camp to access riding areas should be done at VERY SLOW speeds. No fireworks, tobacco, or alcohol allowed on grounds. Please no cutting of green trees. Keep guns locked in trunk during camp session days. Questions? Check our FAQ's page.
Riverbend Men's Camp follows the teachings of the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ operating within the brotherhood of The Restoration Movement, which is also reflected by our speakers' messages. We also offer one of the most scenic baptisteries you'll ever see, the Rifle River!
Bring your camp chairs, Bibles, and a willingness to learn! There are morning and evening sessions. Afternoons are set aside for father/son recreation and fellowship time. Session-only drive-ins are welcomed, with areas to park. The meetings are intended to honor Christ, encourage each other and benefit the Kingdom; anything additional is a bonus, anything less is unacceptable. Invite anyone you know who may benefit.
We will meet on private property. Please respect that. Live trees are not to be cut, nailed into or harmed. There will be porta-jons and a dumpster for trash onsite. We are camping on the banks of the Rifle River, you may swim or cool off at your own risk. This is a Men's camp, so bring what you need for eating and cooking. There is a good water well on the property. Ice will be made available for purchase.
Be sure to bring EVERYTHING you need. Bibles, notebooks, shelter, bedding, chairs, food, trash bags, water, bug dope, tools/utensils, shovel, fire starter, water/fire bucket. Pack your bread and milk if you need any, as there will be none available at campsite. Shirts and ties are unnecessary and shaving is frowned upon. A major draw of the woods is the lack of electronics, so feel free to leave them at home if you want. If you do bring your cell phone, please place it on silent for the entire week. Please do not park on the side of the entrance road to use your phone as it is neighbor's private property; just proceed clear to the "main" road if needed. Radios, TV's, or computers blaring anything are prohibited. If you utilize a generator for medical purposes or (ahem), convenience, please only run them as needed to maintain the peacefulness and tranquility of the Creation for others to enjoy.
Camp gates open the Saturday prior to the meeting and will close the Friday afternoon of the meeting week. Please donate regular camp fees beyond normal registration for the extended stay if you wish to stay extra. Our insurance costs and State fees increase by number of camper/nights.
Family and Off-site Camping
There is a family camping area available onsite. Guys may camp there, and hike over to attend sessions at Men's Camp. There will be a Ladies program at the Family camping area. Same fee structure applies. In addition, there are 4 family campgrounds within 2 miles of our camp entrance with family camping and cabins available. Book these well in-advance if you have need because they tend to fill up early. Family camping is available on the far side of our camp property on a donation basis. Ladies may also check out the Women of the Word (formerly Northwomen) which meets at Great Lakes Bible College in Lansing.
There are modest camp fees for camping on-site. These go towards property expenses. Camping fees by IRS rule are not considered charitable contributions. The meeting itself will operate entirely on offerings and donations. Those ARE considered charitable contributions. Speakers expenses need to be covered, as well as things such as tent rentals, porta-jons, dumpster, and so forth. In addition to the annual operating expenses there is a modest mortgage on the property. We are trusting that God's people will support God's work, give as you are able and God has blessed. The Riverbend Christian Retreat is a Michigan non-profit corporation, with full IRS 501(c)3 non profit status.
There will be a promotional display area in a corner of the big tent. If you have a ministry to promote please contact us to see about use of this area. We reserve the right to limit or prohibit any display. Speakers please bring along your own ministry items and feel free to utilize this space.
You may bring in what you need, but be careful not to violate any local or state law by improperly transporting firewood. There are adequate amounts of ash and other wood on the property, but need cut into usable lengths. Bring your chainsaw or make a camp donation to use wood cut by volunteers.
Fire pit
Dig one or bring a fire ring. Before you leave put 2 buckets of water on the fire area and fill it in. If this is too much work, or the directions too hard to follow, convince your neighbors to do it, then sit around their fire.
We offer BMX bicycle trails, guided hikes, capture-the-flag, and corn hole tournaments-as leaders are available. We are seeking volunteers to lead in some of these areas. Horseshoes, ball games, and river tubing are all great activities. There is also canoeing, kayaking and fishing. Bring along your gear and invite your camping neighbors to share in the activities.
Do not camp, cut trees or ride ATV's within 75' of the river. Any riding of ATV's thru camp to access riding areas should be done at VERY SLOW speeds. No fireworks, tobacco, or alcohol allowed on grounds. Please no cutting of green trees. Keep guns locked in trunk during camp session days. Questions? Check our FAQ's page.