2023 Received:
$12,390.00 Individual Contributions
$5,670.70 Cash & Organizational Gifts
$203.16 Interest and Amazon Income
$2,750.00 Camp Fees received
$1,375.00 Hunting Lease income
$1,023.48 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2023 Disbursements:
$473.00 Professional fees, tax and legal, MI report fee
$2,679.00 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$0.0 Designated Missions
$4,119.72 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$1,792.7 Capital items, shipping container, locks
$925.82 Improvements to property (guard rails)
$2,865.40 Camp Speakers, Musician fees and ministry donations
$1,405.53 Mortgage Interest payments
$6,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
$1,629.13 Shirts, Caps, Bank fees, Office expense
12/31/2023 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$14,600.00 Private loan
$23,666.60 Property Mortgage
2022 Received:
$9,007.50 Individual Contributions
$10,749.11 Cash & Missions Gifts
$184.02 Interest and Amazon Income
$3,327.50 Camp Fees received
$1,250.00 Hunting Lease income
$577.50 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2022 Disbursements:
$790.57 Professional fees, tax and legal, MI report fee
$2,552.00 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$0.0 Designated Missions
$3,796.73 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$0.00 Capital items
$216.00 Improvements to property (guard rails)
$2,400.00 Camp Speakers, Musician fees and ministry donations
$1,674.68 Mortgage Interest payments
$6,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
$129.02 Bank fees, Office expense
12/31/2022 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$14,600.00 Private loan
$36,333.28 Property Mortgage
2021 Received:
$7,474.94 Individual Contributions
$4,155.51 Cash & Missions Gifts
$54.90 Interest and Amazon Income
$2,410.00 Camp Fees received
$1000.00 Hunting Lease income
$441.00 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2021 Disbursements:
$559.00 Professional fees, tax and legal, MI report fee
$2,437.82 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$222.56 Designated Missions
$2,772.40 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$604.60 Capital items (kayaks)
$636.00 Improvements to property
$2,100.00 Camp Speakers, Musician fees and ministry donations
$1,936.11 Mortgage Interest payments
$6,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
$87.90 Bank fees, Web fees
12/31/2021 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$14,600.00 Private loan
$42,666.62 Property Mortgage
2020 Received:
$11,675.00 Individual Contributions
$5,787.33 Cash & Missions Gifts
$78.18 Interest and Amazon Income
$2,150.00 Camp Fees received
$1000.00 Hunting Lease income
$805.00 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2020 Disbursements:
$430.00 Professional fees, tax and legal, MI report fee
$2,387.00 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$1,994.00 Designated Missions
$3,183.00 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$0.00 Real Estate property taxes
$2,104.20 Improvements; road stone, cabin repairs, grass seed
$3,200.00 Camp Speakers, Musician fees and ministry donations
$2,450.49 Mortgage Interest payments
$14,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
12/31/2020 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$14,600.00 Private loan
$48,999.96 Property Mortgage
2019 Received:
$23,507.78 Individual Contributions
$2,430.33 Cash Gifts
$58.70 Interest and Amazon Income
$1980.00 Camp Fees received
$1000.00 Hunting Lease income
$398.52 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2019 Disbursements:
$620.00 Professional fees, tax and legal, MI report fee
$2,311.00 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$480.88 Promotional- bus. cards, tables, web site, ads
$3,013.66 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$0.00 Real Estate property taxes
$124.14 Improvements; road stone, cabin repairs, grass seed
$2,200.00 Camp Speakers, Musician fees and ministry donations
$2,714.13 Mortgage Interest payments
$6,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
12/31/2019 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$14,600.00 Private loan
$63.333.30 Property Mortgage
2018 Received:
$14,874.80 Individual Contributions
$1,873.00 Cash Gifts
$40.02 Interest and Amazon Income
$2,325.00 Camp Fees received
$528.80 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2018 Disbursements:
$675.50 Professional fees, tax and legal, MI report fee
$2,225.00 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$229.33 Promotional- bus. cards, tables, web site, ads
$2,953.55 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$1,420.82 Real Estate property taxes
$170.81 Improvements; road stone, cabin repairs, grass seed
$2,752.56 Camp Speakers, Musician fees and ministry donations
$2,968.42 Mortgage Interest payments
$6,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
12/31/2018 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$14,600.00 Private loan
$69,666.64 Property Mortgage
2017 Received:
$96,627.84 Individual Contributions
$2,181.98 Cash Gifts
$1,000.00 Memorial Contributions (John Munster)
$29.25 Interest and Amazon Income
$879.65 IDES TX trip
$2,531.55 Camp Fees received
$1,041.25 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2017 Disbursements:
$320.00 Professional fees, tax and legal, MI report fee
$2,107.00 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$87.90 Promotional- bus. cards, tables, web site, ads
$759.90 Supplies/Equipment - shirts, hats, kayaks
$789.58 IDES TX trip
$2,644.89 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$1,073.79 Real Estate property taxes
$579.25 Improvements; road stone, cabin repairs, grass seed
$1,500.00 Camp Speakers, Musician fees and ministry donations
$3,227.89 Mortgage Interest payments
$6,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
12/31/2017 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$14,600.00 Private loan
$75,999.98 Property Mortgage
2016 Received:
$16,030.74 Individual Contributions
$1,821.38 Cash Gifts
$1,000.00 Memorial Contributions (John Munster)
$2,959.00 Camp Fees received
$1,150.00 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2016 Disbursements:
$320.00 Professional fees, tax and legal, MI report fee
$2,039.00 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$326.52 Promotional- bus. cards, tables, web site, ads
$2,003.72 Supplies/Equipment - shirts, hats, kayaks
$686.98 Improvements; cabin repairs, septic system, grass seed
$3,943.13 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$311.97 Real Estate property taxes (winter tax carried to 2017)
$3,700.00 Camp Speakers, Musician fees and ministry donations
$3,492.39 Mortgage Interest payments
$6,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
12/31/2016 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$100,040.00 Private loan
$82,333.32 Property Mortgage
2023 Received:
$12,390.00 Individual Contributions
$5,670.70 Cash & Organizational Gifts
$203.16 Interest and Amazon Income
$2,750.00 Camp Fees received
$1,375.00 Hunting Lease income
$1,023.48 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2023 Disbursements:
$473.00 Professional fees, tax and legal, MI report fee
$2,679.00 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$0.0 Designated Missions
$4,119.72 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$1,792.7 Capital items, shipping container, locks
$925.82 Improvements to property (guard rails)
$2,865.40 Camp Speakers, Musician fees and ministry donations
$1,405.53 Mortgage Interest payments
$6,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
$1,629.13 Shirts, Caps, Bank fees, Office expense
12/31/2023 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$14,600.00 Private loan
$23,666.60 Property Mortgage
2022 Received:
$9,007.50 Individual Contributions
$10,749.11 Cash & Missions Gifts
$184.02 Interest and Amazon Income
$3,327.50 Camp Fees received
$1,250.00 Hunting Lease income
$577.50 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2022 Disbursements:
$790.57 Professional fees, tax and legal, MI report fee
$2,552.00 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$0.0 Designated Missions
$3,796.73 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$0.00 Capital items
$216.00 Improvements to property (guard rails)
$2,400.00 Camp Speakers, Musician fees and ministry donations
$1,674.68 Mortgage Interest payments
$6,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
$129.02 Bank fees, Office expense
12/31/2022 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$14,600.00 Private loan
$36,333.28 Property Mortgage
2021 Received:
$7,474.94 Individual Contributions
$4,155.51 Cash & Missions Gifts
$54.90 Interest and Amazon Income
$2,410.00 Camp Fees received
$1000.00 Hunting Lease income
$441.00 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2021 Disbursements:
$559.00 Professional fees, tax and legal, MI report fee
$2,437.82 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$222.56 Designated Missions
$2,772.40 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$604.60 Capital items (kayaks)
$636.00 Improvements to property
$2,100.00 Camp Speakers, Musician fees and ministry donations
$1,936.11 Mortgage Interest payments
$6,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
$87.90 Bank fees, Web fees
12/31/2021 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$14,600.00 Private loan
$42,666.62 Property Mortgage
2020 Received:
$11,675.00 Individual Contributions
$5,787.33 Cash & Missions Gifts
$78.18 Interest and Amazon Income
$2,150.00 Camp Fees received
$1000.00 Hunting Lease income
$805.00 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2020 Disbursements:
$430.00 Professional fees, tax and legal, MI report fee
$2,387.00 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$1,994.00 Designated Missions
$3,183.00 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$0.00 Real Estate property taxes
$2,104.20 Improvements; road stone, cabin repairs, grass seed
$3,200.00 Camp Speakers, Musician fees and ministry donations
$2,450.49 Mortgage Interest payments
$14,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
12/31/2020 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$14,600.00 Private loan
$48,999.96 Property Mortgage
2019 Received:
$23,507.78 Individual Contributions
$2,430.33 Cash Gifts
$58.70 Interest and Amazon Income
$1980.00 Camp Fees received
$1000.00 Hunting Lease income
$398.52 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2019 Disbursements:
$620.00 Professional fees, tax and legal, MI report fee
$2,311.00 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$480.88 Promotional- bus. cards, tables, web site, ads
$3,013.66 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$0.00 Real Estate property taxes
$124.14 Improvements; road stone, cabin repairs, grass seed
$2,200.00 Camp Speakers, Musician fees and ministry donations
$2,714.13 Mortgage Interest payments
$6,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
12/31/2019 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$14,600.00 Private loan
$63.333.30 Property Mortgage
2018 Received:
$14,874.80 Individual Contributions
$1,873.00 Cash Gifts
$40.02 Interest and Amazon Income
$2,325.00 Camp Fees received
$528.80 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2018 Disbursements:
$675.50 Professional fees, tax and legal, MI report fee
$2,225.00 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$229.33 Promotional- bus. cards, tables, web site, ads
$2,953.55 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$1,420.82 Real Estate property taxes
$170.81 Improvements; road stone, cabin repairs, grass seed
$2,752.56 Camp Speakers, Musician fees and ministry donations
$2,968.42 Mortgage Interest payments
$6,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
12/31/2018 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$14,600.00 Private loan
$69,666.64 Property Mortgage
2017 Received:
$96,627.84 Individual Contributions
$2,181.98 Cash Gifts
$1,000.00 Memorial Contributions (John Munster)
$29.25 Interest and Amazon Income
$879.65 IDES TX trip
$2,531.55 Camp Fees received
$1,041.25 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2017 Disbursements:
$320.00 Professional fees, tax and legal, MI report fee
$2,107.00 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$87.90 Promotional- bus. cards, tables, web site, ads
$759.90 Supplies/Equipment - shirts, hats, kayaks
$789.58 IDES TX trip
$2,644.89 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$1,073.79 Real Estate property taxes
$579.25 Improvements; road stone, cabin repairs, grass seed
$1,500.00 Camp Speakers, Musician fees and ministry donations
$3,227.89 Mortgage Interest payments
$6,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
12/31/2017 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$14,600.00 Private loan
$75,999.98 Property Mortgage
2016 Received:
$16,030.74 Individual Contributions
$1,821.38 Cash Gifts
$1,000.00 Memorial Contributions (John Munster)
$2,959.00 Camp Fees received
$1,150.00 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2016 Disbursements:
$320.00 Professional fees, tax and legal, MI report fee
$2,039.00 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$326.52 Promotional- bus. cards, tables, web site, ads
$2,003.72 Supplies/Equipment - shirts, hats, kayaks
$686.98 Improvements; cabin repairs, septic system, grass seed
$3,943.13 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$311.97 Real Estate property taxes (winter tax carried to 2017)
$3,700.00 Camp Speakers, Musician fees and ministry donations
$3,492.39 Mortgage Interest payments
$6,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
12/31/2016 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$100,040.00 Private loan
$82,333.32 Property Mortgage
2015 Received:
$8,535.00 Individual Contributions
$2,140.47 Cash Gifts
$2,970.00 Memorial Contributions (John Munster)
$2,491.83 Camp Fees received
$608.40 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2015 Disbursements:
$341.76 Professional fees, tax and legal
$1,906.00 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$654.80 Promotional- bus. cards, tables, web site, ads
$999.74 Supplies/Equipment - shirts, hats, ice
$5,347.89 Improvements; cabin repairs, septic system, grass seed
$2,413.25 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$1,381.63 Real Estate property taxes
$2,558.00 Camp Speakers and Musicians fees
$3,739.36 Mortgage Interest payments
$6,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
12/31/2015 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$100,040 Private loan
$88,667 Property Mortgage
2015 Received:
$8,535.00 Individual Contributions
$2,140.47 Cash Gifts
$2,970.00 Memorial Contributions (John Munster)
$2,491.83 Camp Fees received
$608.40 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2015 Disbursements:
$341.76 Professional fees, tax and legal
$1,906.00 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$654.80 Promotional- bus. cards, tables, web site, ads
$999.74 Supplies/Equipment - shirts, hats, ice
$5,347.89 Improvements; cabin repairs, septic system, grass seed
$2,413.25 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$1,381.63 Real Estate property taxes
$2,558.00 Camp Speakers and Musicians fees
$3,739.36 Mortgage Interest payments
$6,333.34 Mortgage Principal paid
12/31/2015 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$100,040 Private loan
$88,667 Property Mortgage
2014 Received:
$12,320.00 Individual Contributions
$1,328.00 Cash Gifts
$25,375.00 Individuals giving through Churches
$1,775.00 Camp Fees received
$658.00 Hats, shirts, ice - reimbursements
2014 Disbursements:
$2,648.92 Riverbend Corporation attorney fees
$1,674.00 Brotherhood Mutual - liability insurance
$1,110.52 Promotional- bus. cards, tables, web site, ads
$1,403.75 Supplies/Equipment - shirts, hats, ice
$8,984.50 Improvements; platform, storage unit, stone, stumps, seed, kayaks, equipment
$2,523.28 Camping permit fees, port-a-jon & tent rentals, dumpster, misc
$1,383.77 Real Estate property taxes
$2,107.50 Camp Speakers and Musicians fees
$1,943.31 Loan Interest payments
12/31/2014 Capital Outstanding Loan Balances:
$100,040 Private loan
$95,000 Property Mortgage